Saddle Creek Goes To AAO

Recently, Dr. Fagala had the chance to represent Saddle Creek Orthodontics at the 2018 Annual Session of the American Association of Orthodontics. In other words, SCO went to the AAO! This session took place in wonderful Washington, D.C. from May 4-8, and gave orthodontists all over the country the chance to hang out with friends […]

The 7 Best Foods For Braces

Orthodontic treatment with braces can definitely bring about a lot of changes! Not only will you look a little different when you smile in the mirror, you may also find that your teeth don’t touch the same way they did before, affecting the way you chew. As your treatment continues and your teeth gradually begin […]

Your First Orthodontic Visit

Like any other first in life, your initial orthodontic visit can seem a little intimidating. 😨 Here at Saddle Creek Orthodontics, we believe that your first visit with us is also the most important one! This is our chance to get acquainted with each other, and for you to learn about all the treatments and services we […]

Thank You!

Thank you for contacting Saddle Creek Orthodontics. A member of our friendly team will be in touch with you shortly! If you have health concerns about visiting our office, ask us about starting treatment remotely with a Virtual Consultation instead! If you have any remaining questions, please call or text us at 901-878-3569 or send us an […]

Top 5 Tips to Keep Your Smile in Shape in 2018

It’s the beginning of a brand new year here at Saddle Creek Orthodontics and there’s no better time to reset your habits! Even if you’re not a fan of New Year’s resolutions, there’s something about flipping over the first page of a calendar that can inspire deep reflection and positive action. After all the excess […]

Memphis Holiday Gift Guide 2017

We can hardly believe it, but Christmastime is here again! Jingle bells and Christmas carols, tree trimming and stocking stuffing, and of course, making our list and checking it twice. Most of us here at SCO still have a few presents to pick out, and not a lot of time left to find the perfect […]

Memphis Gives Thanks

We’re getting into the Thanksgiving spirit at Saddle Creek Orthodontics, with just a handful of days left to cross off the calendar until it’s finally here, bringing with it tables full of delicious food and quality time spent with family and friends. Sadly, not all Memphians will be sitting down to turkey with their nearest […]

Halloween Family Fun in the 901

We’re creeping up on Halloween here at Saddle Creek Orthodontics, and we’ve been busy scoping out all the family-friendly fun the 901 has to offer over the next week to share with you! Whether you’re looking for activities to supplement your traditional trick-or-treat routine, or thinking about shaking it up with something completely different this […]