Busting The Top 10 Myths About Braces

Are braces on the books for you in 2022? It’s normal to feel a little nervous about what’s to come, especially if you’ve heard some of the myths and rumors that surround the treatment process. We’re here to set the record straight! Like anything new in life, braces do require a period of adjustment, but […]

Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Information Saddle Creek Orthodontics strives to make sure people with disabilities can access our services and website, following Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and because we believe in the dignity and well-being of every person. Section 508 requires us to ensure that anybody with disabilities seeking information or services from us can access […]

5 Fun Fall Activities in Memphis

Fall is in the air! Okay, Memphis might still be hitting 90 degrees most days, but there are definitely more leaves on the ground than there were last week, and our early mornings are blessedly free from humidity. The next couple of months are also some of our most beautiful, making this the perfect time […]

Which Treatment Option Is Right For Your Smile?

You’ve finally taken the first steps towards the confident smile you’ve always wanted, and now it’s time to look into treatment options. Not so long ago, the only way to straighten teeth was with traditional metal braces. Now Saddle Creek Orthodontics is able to offer metal braces, clear ceramic braces, and Invisalign clear aligners to […]