Deck the Halls (With Boughs of Braces) with Dr. Fa-ga-la-la-la la-la la la!

Memphis Orthodontist Dr. Kyle Fagala and family at Saddle Creek Orthodontics

Before we get started, I have a very important question to ask you. What are boughs? Yes, boughs. The word boughs appears in several Christmas songs (most notably “Deck the Halls“) and even in the lullaby “Rock-a-Bye Baby” and yet I haven’t a clue what it means (important side note: whatever a bough is, what sort of parent would hang a cradle from one, anyway? If the bough breaks, you probably shouldn’t have hung a cradle from it in the first place). No one, at least no one I know, ever uses the word boughs in conversation.  If someone said to me “Hey Kyle. Make sure you deck your halls with *boughs* of holly this Christmas” I’d just look at them with a confused look on my face, shrug, and walk away.  …Ok, so…upon Googling (Google-ing?) the word boughs, I now know the word means “a main branch of a tree.”  Hmm. I guess that makes sense. I’ll still never use the word boughs in conversation and you probably won’t either. But, at least my curiosity is satisfied. You can all go about your Christmas Day business…

…on second thought, you should stay around and read my blog (please). If you’re out there keeping score, yes, it has been over a month since I last blogged. Could the months of November and December be any busier?? I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. At Saddle Creek Orthodontics, we have had a very busy but very blessed holiday season. It started out with a fun visit from Anna’s parents for the week of Thanksgiving. Since they live all the way out in California, they had not seen our new office yet! (Big Deal!) …or met our new baby Libby (Even Bigger Deal!). We enjoyed introducing them to both and they seemed pleased ☺.

The Brinleys met Dr. Fagala's family at Saddle Creek Orthodontics in Germantown, Tennessee

Charlie was excited to sit on the counter. To be honest, Charlie is excited to sit on/climb on/hang from anything at our office. We have decided to limit his trips to Saddle Creek Orthodontics so it will still be standing this time next year.

Christmas Decorations at Memphis and Germantown Braces office Saddle Creek Orthodontics
Anna did a great job decorating our office for the Christmas season. We don’t have a lot of ornaments yet, but plan to add a new one each year. So check back in 30 years and our tiny tree will be covered with Christmas spirit!
New orthodontic patients at Saddle Creek Orthodontics in Germantown and Memphis Tennessee!
Somehow during this crazy Holiday season, people still find time to come and get braces! Can you believe it? We are so thankful for our new patients this month! What better gift to give yourself or your child than a brand new, perfect smile? We can’t wait to see the end results on these wonderful patients!
We delivered Christmas Cookies to all our referring dental offices

We also took the time this month to thank all of the dental offices that have been kind enough to refer patients to our new practice over the last 5 months. Since Muddy’s is our favorite Memphis bakery, we took this opportunity to have them put together boxes of holiday treats to take to our referring dentists and their staffs. Of course, we couldn’t resist adding some braces to the gingerbread men’s smiles ☺.

Braces specialist Dr. Kyle Fagala with his family in Germantown, Tennessee

Dr. Fagala, Anna, Charlie, and Libby (The “Memphis Fagalas”) hanging out in the Treatment Area at Saddle Creek Orthodontics. Getting 3 out of 4 of us to look at the camera is what I consider a small Christmas miracle!

Orthodontist Dr. Kyle Fagala and his family in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Dr. Fagala with his family (the “Jonesboro Fagalas”) on Christmas Eve. It’s always great to spend time with family! I sincerely hope everyone got that opportunity this year!

As 2013 comes to a close, it is overwhelming to look back on this year and consider how much has been accomplished! We cannot thank our families and friends enough for the love and support they have shown to us in this business endeavor. We could not have done this alone! We are also very thankful to the dentists and patients who have trusted us to provide them with quality orthodontic care.

2014 will bring lots of new exciting things to Saddle Creek Orthodontics. In the early months, we plan to launch a patient rewards program in our office! We can’t wait to share our plans for this, so stay tuned. Also, since we will be losing Libby to daycare in January, we will be looking to hire some new staff members to take her place. We are looking for someone a bit more capable at handling office responsibilities than Libby, but realize that they likely won’t be as cute!

May God bless your time with family and friends this Holiday Season! See you in 2014!