Clear Ceramic Braces

Your Clear Choice for Braces

If you want the trusted strength of traditional metal braces but wish they looked less metal-y, consider clear ceramic braces from Saddle Creek Orthodontics. Ceramic braces feature the same parts as the traditional kind, but the brackets on the front side of the teeth come in a subtle, tooth-colored ceramic.

About Clear Ceramic Braces

If you’re not a good candidate for Invisalign but still don’t want your braces to stick out, ceramic braces might fit the bill.

While traditional metal braces remain our most popular orthodontic treatment choice, some patients at Saddle Creek Orthodontics love their ceramic braces.

These clear, tooth-colored braces give you a new twist on the conventional braces system by offering a much less noticeable treatment method.

These aesthetic-focused braces come in a nearly invisible and tooth-colored polycrystalline ceramic material, and the color blends in well with your natural smile.

Although they're not completely invisible, and the brackets are about the same size and shape as metal braces, they’re more discreet.

memphis braces

How Clear Braces Work

Dr. Kyle and Dr. John use clear braces to correct your bite and align your smile the same way as metal braces. That means we’ll attach the brackets to your teeth, insert a wire, and bend the wire.

This creates different kinds of pressure on different teeth, encouraging them to move into the positions we want to see. The difference between metal braces and ceramic braces lies in the parts they use.

As you can guess from the names, metal braces come as a sequence of metal brackets, while ceramic braces come in either translucent (monocrystalline alumina) or tooth-colored (polycrystalline) ceramic brackets.

Both of these ceramic options blend well with your smile's natural color. Though not completely invisible, people don’t notice the ceramic braces as much as metal, even though the brackets are about the same size and shape.

Pairing ceramic brackets with clear, white, or tooth-colored wires and elastic ties can also create a discreet way to straighten your smile. As you might expect, our adult patients find this orthodontic option very attractive.

Even though most of our clear braces patients love how inconspicuous they look, some of our teen and adult patients enjoy using colored ligature ties. This gives their braces a unique neon look, where the colors pop off the clear brackets.

Other Differences Between Clear & Metal Braces


People all around Memphis know that metal braces are strong and durable. Traditional braces can actually tolerate more pressure than newer ceramic brackets.

Clear brackets come in a more fragile material that’s prone to chipping, cracking and breakage. The technology behind clear braces improves every year, but the ceramic material tends to be less durable than their metal counterparts.

Metal braces might serve you better if you need drastic tooth or bite corrections. Ceramic braces need slightly smaller adjustments, too, so it can take a little longer for Dr. Kyle or Dr. John to align your teeth. Having said that, both types of braces work to align your teeth in the same powerful way.


Some people worry about staining their ceramic braces, but we haven’t seen that problem for years. Thankfully, ceramic brackets won’t stain.

But, the glue that attaches the brackets to the teeth can stain. The clear elastic ties holding the wires in place can stain, too. Over time, this might create an overall discolored look.

Some ceramic braces patients skip food and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, tomatoes, mustard, etc. to reduce their chances of staining. The thing is—they don’t need to do that because we change your elastics at every adjustment appointment at Saddle Creek Orthodontics.

As long as you keep up your brushing, flossing, and good oral hygiene routine, you don’t need to surrender your morning cup of coffee or evening glass of wine.

our treatments

Cost of Ceramic Braces

If you’re looking at the total cost of your treatment, the material we use for your braces makes a big impact. Currently, ceramic brackets cost a little more than metal brackets at Saddle Creek Orthodontics.

We need to factor in the work it takes to put on your braces, adjust them, and remove them into your total treatment cost. Placing and removing ceramic braces requires a sensitive technique and demands more time and attention from our team.

Lastly, your regular adjustment appointments at our office can take longer because they’ll be more involved.

We believe in giving you incredible value for a reasonable fee. While your total fee depends on the complexity of your orthodontic treatment, Dr. Kyle or Dr. John will determine a treatment fee that fits your specific needs.

The good news is that at Saddle Creek Orthodontics, you can choose from flexible payment plans, enroll in automatic bank drafts, and have us check with your insurance company for orthodontic benefits.

We’ll do everything we can to help you and fit your family’s budget. Our treatment coordinators will be happy to go over the cost with you at your first free consultation at our office in Germantown or Collierville.

Are Ceramic Braces Right for You?

Since ceramic brackets tend to cost more than metal and they’re more vulnerable to breakage, Dr. Kyle and Dr. John feel that ceramic braces generally suit adults and older teens.

Sure, they cost slightly more than traditional braces. But, for many patients at Saddle Creek Orthodontics who need fixed appliances (particularly adults), getting discreet braces is priceless.

You’ll only discover what treatment you need after a thorough orthodontic evaluation with Dr. Kyle or Dr. John. They’ll explain the treatment options they’d recommend for your smile based on your needs, goals, budget and lifestyle.

Why wait? Schedule a free consultation in Germantown or Collierville to learn if clear ceramic braces would fit you or your child.