The Truth About Invisalign

We’ve covered Invisalign quite a bit here on the SCO blog. If you’ve been following along, you probably already know that this clear aligner system is the most popular alternative to traditional braces on the market. There’s a good reason for that! These “invisible braces” are an excellent option for teen and adult patients who prefer a more subtle way to straighten their teeth. Invisalign offers beautiful results without using brackets and wires, but because braces have been around for so many years, this innovative treatment can be viewed as kind of a “new kid” on the orthodontic block. This has led to some misconceptions about the Invisalign system. Keep reading below to learn the truth about Invisalign and Invisalign Teen!

Myth #1: Invisalign treatment takes longer than braces

One of the most desirable features of Invisalign braces aligners is that they are removable. They’re designed to be removed any time you eat and when you brush and floss your teeth, so there’s a measure of freedom that’s just not available with traditional braces since the brackets are affixed to the teeth. 

Orthodontic treatment of any kind requires patient compliance, but this is especially important when it comes to Invisalign aligners. Because braces are a fixed appliance, they don’t take too much work on the part of the patient. Aligners are a removable appliance, so it’s up to the patient to wear them the recommended 20-22 hours each day, throughout the treatment process. They also need to be switched out every week or two to keep up with the movements the teeth are making. Failure to do so can result in longer treatment times, and may even affect the overall results. 

Every smile is unique, and every patient responds to treatment in their own way. That means there’s no “one size fits all” answer for how long a patient will need to be in braces or aligners. We know that the total treatment time for most Invisalign patients will be about 6-18 months, however, as long as they’re wearing their aligners the way they should be. This is great news since aligner therapy can actually be slightly faster than the average time for traditional braces! 

The Truth About Invisalign

Myth #2: Treatment with Invisalign costs more than traditional braces

Although the Invisalign clear aligners we know and love are relatively new compared to traditional braces, similar trays have been used for years as post-treatment retainers. Once orthodontists recognized their ability to successfully move misaligned teeth in stages, they began offering the customized aligners as an alternative to braces. Like many new things on the market, Invisalign was considered quite expensive at first. As the treatment became more popular and more accessible, that cost has decreased accordingly. While there are a number of factors to consider when determining the overall cost of any treatment option, in general, today’s aligners tend to cost just about the same (or slightly more) as traditional braces.  

Here at Saddle Creek Orthodontics, we’re committed to providing outstanding treatment options for every budget! We offer flexible payment plans and automatic bank drafts through OrthoBanc, and will also check with your insurance company for any orthodontic benefits. When you schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our conveniently located offices, we’ll lay out each aspect of your treatment plan, including the necessary investment. You’ll never have to worry about hidden fees or unexpected charges. 

Myth #3: Invisalign is harder to keep up with than braces

We talked about patient compliance above, so you already know it’s an essential element of successful treatment. Oral hygiene also plays an important role in any orthodontic journey! With traditional braces, this can be a bit frustrating, especially in the early days. Food particles can get stuck in the nooks and crannies created by the wires and bands, and these hard-to-reach spaces are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and plaque.

Because Invisalign aligners are removable, it’s incredibly easy to maintain a good dental hygiene routine! Simply remove the aligner while you brush and floss, then replace it when you’re done. We recommend you brush thoroughly after every meal and floss every night before bed to keep plaque at bay. Caring for the aligners themselves is also a cinch! There are special kits designed to clean them, or you can gently brush them using toothpaste and a soft toothbrush.

There are no food restrictions with Invisalign, either, something that many braces patients struggle with. Brackets and wires mean foregoing some of your favorite foods during the treatment process, but Invisalign aligners are designed to be removed before eating, so you’re able to keep everything you love on the menu! 

Since Invisalign aligners can be removed for short periods of time, they’re also an excellent option for athletes, musicians who play certain instruments, and for any special occasion when you want your natural smile to shine through, like senior photos and weddings.

The Truth About Invisalign

It’s true! Invisalign and SCO can give you a happy, healthy smile

It’s not hard to see why so many people love the Invisalign clear aligner system! While we are huge fans of everything it has to offer, the aligners do tend to work best for teens and adults who have mild to moderate cases. If your issues are particularly complex or severe, correcting them may require more precise tooth control than a removable aligner can achieve.

Fortunately, there are no dental referrals required for a consultation with us, and we are proud to offer this initial visit at no charge! Dr. Fagala will examine your mouth and determine what treatment method would be best for your unique smile. If you’d like to learn more about how the Invisalign system can transform your smile, get in touch with us today to schedule your complimentary consultation! Our talented team is ready to help you take the first step towards the confident smile you’ve always wanted.