Braces & Invisalign | Germantown & Collierville

Find the Best Fit for a Perfect Smile

You’ll love our treatment options at Saddle Creek Orthodontics. Dr. Kyle and Dr. John believe that everyone deserves a beautiful smile, so that’s why you can choose from state-of-the-art, comfortable, personalized treatments.

If you’re a mother looking for an affordable way to improve your child's appearance and self-confidence or an adult wondering if now is the right time to transform your smile, come learn about our unique treatment and financing options that can fit your family.

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At Saddle Creek Orthodontics, you’ll love the amazing benefits of Invisalign, a modern solution that can give you a straighter smile without the hassle of traditional braces.

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Metal Braces

Today’s metal braces are lighter and more comfortable than ever before while working even harder and more effectively at the same time.

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Clear Braces

Ceramic braces are a modern alternative to metal braces. They use brackets made of tooth-colored ceramic material that blends in with your teeth, making them much less noticeable.

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Better Braces for Bigger Smiles

Dental technology evolves every year, and we stay at the forefront for you to make sure your treatment stays efficient, and comfortable and gives you the best result possible.

Dr. Kyle and Dr. John combine cutting-edge technology with their deep understanding of the movement and growth of teeth and jaws. This helps them successfully treat all kinds of dental issues, like:

  • Crossbite
  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Impacted teeth
  • Protruding teeth
our treatments

You've Got Options

Most patients at Saddle Creek Orthodontics, choose metal braces to straighten their teeth. But don't worry, there are other options too!

After your first free consultation, Dr. Kyle or Dr. John will chat with you about which treatment is best for your unique needs and smile goals. Please don't hesitate to ask questions! We're here to help you get the smile you want.

Fixed Vs. Removable Appliances

In terms of orthodontic treatment, we usually use either fixed or removable appliances. Why does that matter?

Fixed appliances like braces attach to your teeth with special cement and stay there until you finish your treatment. On the other hand, you’d wear a removable appliance like Invisalign aligners for about 20-22 hours per day, but you can take them out whenever you need.

Invisalign aligners work best for mild to moderate orthodontic problems, while you’d need fixed appliances for more serious and extensive treatment.

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