Our Week at Saddle Creek, Part 2

What do Cinco de Mayo, Dr. Fagala’s 30th birthday, the end of the Grizzlies basketball season, and #RoyalsinMemphis all have in common? They all happened in the month of May! It has been a busy month here at Saddle Creek Orthodontics and we are so excited to share with you what’s been happening. Confession Time: […]

Our Week at Saddle Creek

If you’re out there still keeping score, yes, it has been over a month since we last blogged. We are so happy spring has finally made it’s appearance here in Tennessee and we are enjoying the April showers today. No “Case of the Mondays” here! We are starting a new weekly series called “Our Week […]

When does Spring start again?

Spring doesn’t officially begin until March 20th and today (March 3rd) you can definitely tell it’s still Winter! If you’re reading this today, then you are aware that most of Memphis is on lock-down thanks to the sleet shower we received last night. I’ll be seeing some patients later this afternoon, but for now, I […]

Our New Daughter Libby

As I mentioned in my last blog post, my wife and I just welcomed our first daughter into the world a little over 4 weeks ago. Her name is Elizabeth “Libby” Kate Fagala. Since being born Libby has gained an impressive 1.5 lbs. and grown 1.5 inches! Looks like we have an overachiever! Anna (who […]

Our Orthodontic Office: Before and After

Construction on Saddle Creek Orthodontics has been complete for almost 4 weeks, but between staying busy getting the practice going and starting patients, I just now found time to upload the proof (“pics or it didn’t happen,” right?). If you’ve been following our Facebook page or The Memphis Braces Blog over the past few months, […]

Saddle Creek Orthodontics is Now Open!

Dr. Kyle and Anna Fagala could not be more excited because TODAY is the official opening day for Saddle Creek Orthodontics! There are still some final details left to work on, but most everything has been installed and looks great!  I wanted to share a few of the highlights with you (I realize there are […]