In the Clear: Why Invisible Aligners are Changing Orthodontics for Everyone

Although orthodontic treatments have dramatically changed throughout history, the desire for straight teeth has existed since man’s first smile. Metal braces have been around for over 100 years, but more aesthetic tooth-straightening options like clear aligners have only become practical during the past decade. When it comes to getting braces, most people immediately picture smiling […]

Dr. Fagala Featured in Nationwide Orthodontics Newsletter

Dr. Fagala was recently featured in the Summer 2014 edition of the TP Orthodontics Inside News, a quarterly publication sent to doctors throughout the country. TP Ortho is a leading manufacturer in brackets, wires, tools and other orthodontic-related supplies. In the article, Dr. F shared his thoughts and advice to orthodontic residents and new orthodontists, as […]

Which Type of Braces is Right for Me?

The decision to get braces is a decision that many weigh heavily. Factors such as time, cost and overall appearance come into play. Many people, ranging from teens to older adults feel they need braces, however aren’t comfortable with the look of braces from the past. Fortunately, today’s orthodontic solutions offer a variety of aesthetic […]

Our Week at Saddle Creek, Part 3

Despite the oftentimes insane humidity + heat, we love the summertime in Memphis. To be fair, it’s actually been a very pleasant summer in Memphis with more rain and cool temps than I can remember. Ironically, my family traveled to Seattle where they were experiencing their hottest temperatures in decades (all without air-conditioning), while Memphis […]

Why I Chose to Stay in Memphis

As you well know, the city of Memphis often gets painted in a negative light in the news. There’s too much crime, poverty, and hardship in our city. I’ve had several friends from other cities ask me point blank “Why would you want to live in Memphis?” The quick answer is…because I love Memphis. Despite […]